Birthday at Rickey’s

SO, it was my birthday on the 24th (Monday) and we decided to go out on Sunday night. Nova closes a little early on Sundays, so it seemed sensible. A few students had recommended an Irish pub called Rickey’s which is in Toyota – about a 3 minute walk from Nova. Just about everyone from work went. Even the Japanese staff who got off later than we did. It was a lot of fun! Especially because I didn’t have to pay for anything… Thanks guys!!! :) Photos with explanations below:

First to Arrive!And to my right.....Two Beers LaterJapanese StaffA Bunch of PeopleSeveral Beers LaterTrain Ride Home

And then I had the pleasure of working on my actual birthday, but that was ok. Neither bad nor good. Kerry took a trip to Osaka on Monday and Lisa was extremely nice and cooked me dinner Monday night (spaghetti!!!) and had bought me a little strawberry mousse tart thingie from a bakery.

Birthday DinnerStrawberry Sweet

2 thoughts on “Birthday at Rickey’s

  1. Siobhan says:

    oh my god happy birthday!! SO I leave in 7 hours to japan. sorry i didnt email you sooner!!1 my email website is down right now so of course this is my only option. i will do my best to figure out how to get in touch with you when i’m there!!! SEE YOU SOON HOPEFULLY!!!!

    ps your hair is SO FREAKING LONG!

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