Fun in Nagoya Nov. 12th

My roommate Kerry and I have been trying to find new and interesting ways to occupy ourselves. And of course try to meet some new people too… We’re trying to go into Nagoya more often – especially on Sundays after work. Two Sundays ago (on the 12th) we were trying to decide where to wander off to and had picked out a Brazilian restaurant named Urbana from a tourist map that we had. We walked there and discovered that they were closed for a private party (wedding!). Feeling a bit lost as to what to do but determined to still have a good night, we wandered further down the street and seemed to have happened upon a not so fantastic neighborhood (!). We weren’t sure that they existed, but there was grafitti everywhere (and not the artsy kind), shady characters, and we saw two ambulances fly past within the space of an hour. Woohoo!!! We were about to turn around and try our luck in the other direction when I saw a sign for “Tacos” down the street. We both took off almost running to get to taco heaven. Actually, it was called ‘Los Tacos’, but whatever. We were thrilled to see it. We each had a soft shell taco (me chicken, her beef), split a quesadilla and an order of nachos. Plus a margarita and a beer each. FANTASTIC!!!! They closed early though so we had to continue along on our adventure….

Los Tacos!!!!Margarita on the Rocks

So we continued along, heading back in the direction of Sakae and saw the ‘Barden Barden Beer Hall’. How could we possibly resist something that sounded so appetizing and classy??? We took the elevator up to the 6th floor and Kerry nearly got her ankle caught in the elevator. So much for being technologically advanced. We had a few beers from Belgium – ‘Satan’s Red’ and also some tasty cheese fondue!

Barden Barden Beer HallMe & SatanSatan's Red Beer from Belgium

After that extremely fattening stop we continued onto another bar (still back towards the subway exit) called Queen’s Head. This is a ‘foreign bar’ that some students had told me about before. There was only one other person there besides us and the bartender. He said there was a game on TV so no one was going out… Likely story. Anyways. We played darts (I lost every game) and had a nice time. Felt like we were in our basement. Took our shoes off; very comfortable. And of course, we hung around a bit too long and had to run to catch the last train back home shortly before midnight…..

Last Train in SakaeEmpty Train Car

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