Kanazawa Trip (Day THREE)

We woke up on day three to a spectacular view of the mountains in the distance and were really surprised to see snow on them!!� We rounded out our Kanazawa trip with a stroll through the extremely fishy smelling morning (fish) market, a lovely stroll through the samurai village in the Naga-machi area, and last of all we took a train to the coast of the Sea of Japan! (click the pics for more details)
Snowy MountainsFresh Uni (Sea Urchin)Big Cherry TreeSakura BlossomsSakura BranchesRock WallNaga-machi Samurai VillageSamurai WallsWall Close-upWood DoorsWood GrainSamurai GarageMini MoatMini Moat and WallSamurai MoatAcross the StreetNomura Family Samurai HouseSamurai DrivewaySamurai ArmorSamurai HelmetTatami RoomNomura Samurai HouseSamurai GardenJapanese KoiStones in the PondSamurai HouseWater BasinPath to Tea RoomTransition Room/GardenNatural SpringStone StairsSecond Store CeilingSamurai CeilingView of GardenWindow SeatingWindow PerspectiveCold Feet!!Tiny DoorHanging VaseTea Room EntranceDown The Stairs
Samurai SwordSamurai Sword BladeGold Lacquer BoxesHand WarmerJapanese Ryo

The samurai house was definitely one of my favorite places in Japan. I’d love to own a duplicate of it. In a warmer climate. We then prepared to leave Kanazawa and go to the coast….

Building in KanazawaKanazawa StationUchinada StationInteresting CarWalk to BeachIronic PoopooCute SignSea of Japan CoastBeach DoughnutsSand TracksShallow WavesView Back to LandPretty WaterWave DesignsDead PufferfishHorses on the BeachHorsies and BirdieBeach HousesDon't LitterA Shooby-Dooby Dining ExperienceMom & GrammaInteriorMy DinnerMom & Gramma's DinnerIshikawa GraffitiMore GraffitiJapanese Stencil GraffitiSnowy Mountains

We took the train back to Nagoya and goofed off for the latter part of the trip, doing our best to be annoying foreigners. I’m pretty sure we succeeded.� :-)

Goofy Photo

And thus ended the Kanazawa trip! Mom and gramma went back to the states and were socked pretty good with jet lag. I went back to work and took my super sweet time to get all of these photos up…..better late than never I guess. At this rate, I should be back up to date before I leave Japan!� Hahah.

One thought on “Kanazawa Trip (Day THREE)

  1. HaHa says:

    How in the world do you remember all these details?! You weren’t taking notes, were you? Your blog will definitely help as I put together my Japan scrapbook. Thanks, daughter-dear :-)

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