Not Too Much New

Well, I don’t have too much to report – not even any new pictures to share…… But I was starting to feel like I was neglecting the blog so I thought I’d type some nonsense in an effort to fill up some space. My roommate Kerry and I joined a gym last week. She went for the first time this morning (her day off today) and I went this evening when I finished work. I am TIRED!!! We’re both running out of energy what with using it all putting on a show every forty minutes at work and the huge amounts of beer that we regularly consume probably don’t help very much either. Hopefully working out’ll help in some kind of way.

Last week I went to Kanayama (near Nagoya port) to the Nagoya-Boston Museum of Art. It’s a smallish museum that has a partnership with the Boston Museum of Art so they rotate through a new exhibit every few months. Now there’s a history of portrait paintings from the 15th century up to the 20th century. Here’s the English page of their website: I spent around two hours there. There was a whole lotta amazing artists: Cezanne, Titian, Rembrandt, Picasso, Degas, Van Gogh, and a ton of others I can’t remember now but that who’s names I recognized. Even though I’m not much for painting it was great to study their techniques. We’ll see if I can apply any of it to my drawing.

Japanese TV is EXTREMELY weird. I keep forgetting to buy a video tape so I can record some of it. I don’t even know where to start describing it, so I’m just going to give up. But rest assured, it’s weird. We probably catch something totally off the wall once a week. After I start video taping then I’ll have to figure out how to get it onto a DVD so I can share the love. and laughs…. And then you can feel just as clueless about the Japanese language as I do every day!!!

Today was the coldest day so far since I’ve been here. It’s a whopping 64 degrees!!! Yargh!!! I’m going to have to go shopping for a winter jacket pretty soon. I’ve discovered that I’m a medium or a large size in most Japanese clothes!! Heheheh. Yet another reason to go to the gym I guess. But, at least I can actually buy clothes here. Oh and my feet are also a size medium or large in Japanese shoes. One of my roommates is a LL and the other is a LLL (which there is no such thing here apparently). :-P Strangely enough though, most of the shoes are really wide, so it’s still tough to find a good fit…..

Well, I’m actually surprised at how long this is…. Who knew that miscellaneous information with no well-defined point to it could effectively fill such a large area? Ooh, and a funny website: I’ve decided to become a Pastafarian. RAmen. Teehee. Oyasuminasai!!!!!!! [Goodnight!]

2 thoughts on “Not Too Much New

  1. Anna says:

    Checked out the pastafarian site, very cute and interesting reading…how people get riled up defending a hoax and seeing those who come off looking even worse, who actually call themselves Christians, and yet argue over a trivial website!

  2. HaHa says:

    Did your apartment come with a tv? Do they pirate programs from elsewhere like they did in Haiti? I guess I’m supposed to comment and not question, but inquiring minds want to know.

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